Tuesday, 10 November 2015

Welcome to Networks: Hilary Term 2016

Welcome to the Math C5.4 ("Networks") for Hilary term 2016.

Our lecture times are as follows:
Monday, 5–6 pm [L3] (weeks 1–6)
Tuesday, 2–3 pm [L2] (weeks 1–3, 5,6), [L3] (week 4)
Wednesday, 4–6 pm (week 7 only) [L3]
Thursday, 1-2 pm (weeks 7,8) [L3]

All locations are in the Mathematical Institute.

The class tutors are Se Wook Oh (one set), Vladimirs Murevics (one set), and me (two sets). The TAs are Roxana Feier (two sets) and Marco Pangallo (two sets).

Each set of classes consists of 6 one-hour classes. There will be 6 homework assignments.

The classes are as follows:

1. Wednesdays, weeks 2–7, room C2, 14:00 – 15:00 (Tutor: Se Wook Oh; TA: Marco Pangallo). Homework due Tuesday at 5pm.

2. Wednesdays, weeks 2–7, room C2, 15:00 – 16:00 (Tutor: Vladimirs Murevics; TA: Roxana Feier). Homework due Tuesday at 5pm.

3. Fridays, weeks 2–7, room C4, 10:00 – 11:00 am (Tutor: Mason Porter; TA: Marco Pangallo). Homework due Wednesday at 5pm.

4. Fridays, weeks 2–7, room C4, 11:00 – 12:00 noon (Tutor: Mason Porter; TA: Roxana Feier). Homework due Wednesday at 5pm.

Assessment will be based on a miniproject.

Sunday, 3 May 2015

Revised Version of Solution Sheet 4 Posted

I have posted a revised version of solution sheet 4 in which I have fixed some typos (where I note that a couple of typos were from the problem statement, so I also uploaded a corrected version of homework sheet 4) and added some additional explanation of a couple of points based on questions that arose in the classes on Friday.

Thursday, 2 April 2015

Scanned Notes Posted

I have scanned my handwritten notes that I used for the lectures and have posted them. Note that these notes are "as is" (and should be treated as such), but I hope they are helpful. I know some people had to miss lectures for things like interviews and perhaps not everybody had a chance to ask their classmates for notes. There are sections 0–7 (where Section 0 is tiny), and note that the second half of the last lecture follows the Powerpoint slides to which I have already provided an out-edge.

If you missed lectures, I still recommend strongly that you consult your classmates regarding any discussions or clarifications of points therein.

Tuesday, 10 March 2015

Powerpoint Presentations for Parts of Lecture 8

Once I get through some more hand-written notes, which I expect to take the first 2/3 to 3/4 of the week-8 lecture, I'll briefly discuss some things that I have in Powerpoint slides.

The first of these comes from a presentation on Cascades and Social Influence on Networks. This relates directly to material in weeks 7 and 8 (the "chapter 7" material). I don't know how much of it I'll go through, but regardless it will be useful to go through the slides outside of lecture (and you may wish to follow along). You can also see a full-length video presentation of these slides if you are interested (or if you feel it will help).

Another set of slides concerns at An Introduction to Multilayer Networks from a 3-hour tutorial talk I gave last June. (This is an accompaniment to the review article that you can find among the out-edges on this course blog.) I will most likely not go over this at all or I will only go over it for a few minutes, but I figure that it is something that some of you may find interesting.

Solution Sheet 3 is Posted

I have posted solution sheet 3.

Saturday, 28 February 2015

Networks Outreach Event, Oxford, Saturday, 14 March

I will be running a networks outreach event in the Mathematical Institute on Saturday 14 March. It will occur from 9:30 am until noon, and I could use some more volunteers to help me. Maybe some of you would be interested in joining in on this. We'll be interactively teaching some of the basics of networks to school students.

To get an idea of what we've done before, we described our efforts in this article. We also developed some teaching materials.

I know that the day after week 8 tends to be busy for many of you, but maybe some of you will be interested in helping out. Let me know if you are.

Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Classes and Consultation Sessions in Trinity Term

We have now determined the classes and consultation sessions for Trinity term.


[1] Monday, week 1, 15:00–16:30, room C1, tutor: Peter Grindrod, TA: Bo Fan

[2] Monday, week 1, 16:30–18:00, room C1, tutor: Peter Grindrod, TA: Bo Fan

[3] Friday, week 1, 10:00–11:30, room C5, tutor: Mason Porter, TA: Barbara Mahler

[4] Friday, week 1, 14:00–15:30, room C3, tutor: Mason Porter, TA: Se Wook Oh

Consultation Sessions:

[1] Tuesday, week 2 (5/5), 10:00–12:00, room C3, Mason Porter

[2] Friday, week 2 (8/5), 10:00–12:00, room C3, Mason Porter

[3] Monday, week 3 (11/5), 15:30–17:30, room C1, Peter Grindrod

[4] Tuesday, week 3 (12/5), 10:00–12:00, room C3, Mason Porter

[5] Wednesday, week 3 (13/5), 14:00–16:00, room C3, Mason Porter

[6] Monday, week 5 (25/5), 15:30–17:30, room C1, Peter Grindrod, week 5

Tentatively, I plan to go through the 2014 exam in consultation sessions 4 and 5.

Wednesday, 11 February 2015

Solution Sheet 1 is Posted

I have posted the solutions for the first problem sheet.

Update (2/15/15): I have posted a very slightly updated version of the solutions. I made two small changes: (1) most importantly, I added a note at the end of the relevant problem part to indicate explicitly that the diameter calculation for ER graphs is on the LCC (nodes on different network components have infinite distance between them); and (2) I replaced one "n" that should be "N" because I am using capital N for the number of nodes.

Friday, 6 February 2015

Homework Sheet 4 is Posted

I have now posted homework sheet 4.

Generating Functions!

If you want to read more about generating functions, this online book has a lot about them. (We will discuss generating functions in week 5, as we will use them for random graphs and then again when we study some dynamical processes on networks starting in week 7.)

Problem Sheet 3 is Posted

I have posted problem sheet 3.

Thursday, 29 January 2015

Lectures for Weeks 5 and 7 Will Be in Room L1

The week 7 lecture has been moved from L4 to L1 because currently we have too many people showing up to fit in room L4. We have been asked to move to L1 for Week 5 because our room is needed by someone else. We will remain in room L3 for weeks 2–4, 6, and 8.

Wednesday, 7 January 2015

Welcome to C5.4: HT 2015

Well, a new term is upon us, and the new iteration of this course now has a different numbering from before.

I don't have the new homework assignments ready yet, so for now I'll just indicate who will be lecturing, conducting classes, and TAing.

Lectures: Fridays: 2-4 pm, rooms L3 (weeks 1–4, 6, 8) and L1 (weeks 5,7), Andrew Wiles Building


[1] Monday: Weeks 3,5,7 (and 1TT). HT coordinates: 3:30–5:00, room C4, tutor: Peter Grindrod, TA: Bo Fan

[2] Monday: Weeks 4,6,8 (and 1TT). HT coordinates: 3:30–5:00, room C4, tutor: Peter Grindrod, TA: Bo Fan

[3] Friday: Weeks 3,5,7 (and 1TT). HT coordinates: 4:30–6:00, room C1, tutor: Mason Porter, TA: Barbara Mahler

[4] Friday: Weeks 4,6,8 (and 1TT). HT coordinates: 4:30–6:00, room C1, tutor: Mason Porter, TA: Se Wook Oh

In all cases above, all HT rooms and times are confirmed. Times and rooms for TT will be determined later.

I will post course materials when I get a chance. In the meantime, there are a bunch of useful resources among the out-edges in the sidebar. Additionally, you can get free access to Mark Newman's 2010 book on networks via University of Oxford. For most subjects, that will be our main textbook.