Our lecture times are as follows:
Monday, 5–6 pm [L3] (weeks 1–6)
Tuesday, 2–3 pm [L2] (weeks 1–3, 5,6), [L3] (week 4)
Wednesday, 4–6 pm (week 7 only) [L3]
Thursday, 1-2 pm (weeks 7,8) [L3]
All locations are in the Mathematical Institute.
The class tutors are Se Wook Oh (one set), Vladimirs Murevics (one set), and me (two sets). The TAs are Roxana Feier (two sets) and Marco Pangallo (two sets).
Each set of classes consists of 6 one-hour classes. There will be 6 homework assignments.
The classes are as follows:
1. Wednesdays, weeks 2–7, room C2, 14:00 – 15:00 (Tutor: Se Wook Oh; TA: Marco Pangallo). Homework due Tuesday at 5pm.
2. Wednesdays, weeks 2–7, room C2, 15:00 – 16:00 (Tutor: Vladimirs Murevics; TA: Roxana Feier). Homework due Tuesday at 5pm.
3. Fridays, weeks 2–7, room C4, 10:00 – 11:00 am (Tutor: Mason Porter; TA: Marco Pangallo). Homework due Wednesday at 5pm.
4. Fridays, weeks 2–7, room C4, 11:00 – 12:00 noon (Tutor: Mason Porter; TA: Roxana Feier). Homework due Wednesday at 5pm.
Assessment will be based on a miniproject.